2. Activation

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The Finmail Payment feature can be activated in the Payment/Settings page:

  1. Login to your Finmail Mailbox
  2. Click the “Payment” button on the toolbar
  3. Click the “Setting” link on the left, then you will find the activate page. If you have not activated the Finmail Payment feature yet, you will be redirected to this page automatically.
  4. In the activation page, fill in the required information, including payment password and backup email. The backup email cannot be a Finmail email address, but from another host/domain, for example “[email protected]”, etc. Replace “[email protected]” with your own email address.
  5. Click the blue “Activate” button.
  6. Check your backup email for an activation email. Once received, click the link inside to verify your backup email for the payment feature.
  7. The activation is done. You can now find deposit address, balance and history in the Payment page.

If you have not activated the Finmail Payment feature yet, you may also find a blue “Activate” button in the Compose page. After clicking the button, you will be directed to the step 3 above in a new window.

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