Blockchain and unintended environmental costs

Blockchain technology is just rising and its full wider adoption is yet a few years from now. However, could there be some unintended consequences of using Blockchain, more so on a wider scale?

The blockchain technology and global affairs like inequality hampering the development and smooth running of global issues

The world has not seen a stop in a hindrance disturbing the global peace. Many global organizations have been created in order to face fiercely the difficulties the human race struggles against, day in, day out.

Can hyperledger surpass bitcoins?

Launched in 2017 by the Linux foundation, hyper ledger has been gaining momentum, perhaps more that bitcoin blockchain. What is it that could be making hyperledger more appealing than its predecessor?

How blockchain has influence the way people made money back in the past.

With money and in the pass, you were to work very hard to make so much money or to get paid. If you don’t respond or perform well to your job description, you were sacked. But today, that concept and mindset has been changed greatly thanks to blockchain technology.

How Blockchain Create Smart Medical Ecosystem

In these modern days, with blockchain technology, medical records can easily be distributed. With its feature, blockchain technology can give control to the patient on their medical records. There are reasons why medical treatment needs to use blockchain technology.

Transparent Ticketing Process with Blockchain

A ticket to a tourist destination could disappear at one time and appear again near the purchasing time limit at a higher price. Refunds and rescheduling also become a problem for most travelers. Blockchain has become a solution to prevent fraudulence in many sectors, also in ticketing platform.

Can blockchain be applied to control land authorities

Many backward countries face major challenges in terms of land resources. Without proper management, distribution, and accounting of operations, millions of hectares of land are widely publicized.

Pitfalls of proof of stake consensus part 2

All types of computer systems are vulnerable in one way or another. For example, the proof of stake algorithm was introduced to solve a specific challenge in the proof of work algorithm. But there are specific attacks unique to PoS. These are long-range attack and stake grinding attack.

Who will be the real beneficiaries of blockchain technology?

When the internet was born, it proved to be a game-changer in many ways. From education, finance, health and industrial applications, it was hailed as a tool that would change the way we live. In addition, true to that, we have witnessed the truth of those expectations. However, it is far from achieving everyone’s dreams as initially portrayed.

Blockchain technology introduction

By Michael Mburu The invention of blockchain was revolutionary. Satoshi Nakamoto is the man who worked tirelessly to come up with the invention which is arguably one of the greatest inventions in modern history. But how many people would explain with clarity what blockchain is? Will a common man on the streets know or perhaps […]