The “new” Ox protocol

how “new” is the new way the Ox protocol work with regard to the exchange coins? If you know, the person you want to trade with, all you need is to send an Ox order via messenger or email. Then, all they need to do is accept the order and execute.

A smart contract in simple language

The blockchain technology has introduced many terminologies. Common terminologies associated with this include blockchain itself, micropayments, digital currency, and cryptocurrency, halving bitcoins, trust protocols and smart contracts. If you are new to blockchain technology, surely you have a lot to learn. This article will look at smart contracts in simple terms.

Blockchain application and the financial industry

When bitcoin was invented, it had clear goals of eliminating the controlling financial authorities over personal funds. It aimed to eliminate banks and other financial institutions and give power back to the owners. However, when enterprise blockchain became popularized, blockchain found fertile soils for easy incorporation into its genetic code. Diverse applications resulted.

Distributed systems – The foundation of blockchain technology

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are many current technologies today, whose backbone are distributed systems. We need to understand what distributed systems are to understand blockchain technology. Like many others, blockchain is just a specific type of a distributed system. What are distributed systems and what properties or features do they have that favor the […]

How blockchain can help Africa reduce natural resource depletion

So far, much has been written about blockchain use cases that were never thought about, but have become a reality. Can blockchain be used in Africa to reduce century-old challenges related to its abundant natural resources other than diamonds, emeralds, and other precious minerals?

Enterprise blockchain platforms part 1

by Lumai Mubanga Enterprise blockchain is essentially the type of blockchain intended to empower a private network with some central authority controls that is able to take part in consensus and validate transactions on the network. The rise of enterprise blockchain has been supported different types of enterprise blockchain platforms. Enterprise blockchain platforms exist precisely […]

Bitcoin & Blockchain communities

Bitcoin and Blockchain history have proved to be a story of rapid transformation. After initial scandals in the industry, the fledging technology emerged and rose in value to attract the attention of JP Morgan Chase and the mushrooming of reputable companies that support the ecosystem.

Turnpikes and blockchain, a way to decentralization.

In most cases, an appointed road agency collects funds on behalf of the government. However, some government have been reported to use these funds for political campaigns, personal projects and in some cases, the cash disappears in thin air. How can blockchain decentralize and streamline the use of these funds in a transparent manner?

Increasing Ethereum companies – A sign of world wide acceptance?

Much like any other technological development, the crypto space has seen an explosion in the number of companies that have sprang up to directly or indirectly support the ecosystem.

Health Care on Hyper ledger, a perfect example

The main challenges affecting health care institutions, especially ones where they have diverse clientele dotted in different locations is keeping trusted data in sync. With thousands of payments and claims to be made each day, they need a system that can quickly process, sync, minimize any serious errors, and provide an accurate record of trusted data.