Implications of blockchain design models PoW (Part 2)

In part 1, we discussed the implications of using generic and public or private design models on blockchain operations. In part two, we will further discuss the implications of using a chosen consensus algorithm on the operations of a blockchain platform.

Mimblewimble in blockchain, at what price?

In plain language, mimblewimble refers to the tongue-tying curse that binds the target’s tongue to keep them from talking about a specific topic or subject. In short, it is a term to define some level of privacy that need to be kept.

The “new” Ox protocol

how “new” is the new way the Ox protocol work with regard to the exchange coins? If you know, the person you want to trade with, all you need is to send an Ox order via messenger or email. Then, all they need to do is accept the order and execute.

Blockchain and unintended environmental costs

Blockchain technology is just rising and its full wider adoption is yet a few years from now. However, could there be some unintended consequences of using Blockchain, more so on a wider scale?

How africa can immensely benefit from blockchain technology (part 2)

This article will explore two specific examples in health/birth records and education, areas that can set African countries ahead in the right direction if blockchain technology was adopted.

Blockchain and tollgate fee management

Tollgates around the world are used as revenue collection points from motorists on behalf of the government. The idea is to prioritize road repair and maintenance without waiting for government budgets. How blockchain can help improve present system works?

How Africa can immensely benefit from blockchain technology (part 3)

In this article, we will discuss how Africa can still benefit in other areas such as credible voting.

Illegal poaching, how can blockchain help?

With so many use case coming up for a lot more scenarios, this article endeavours to speculate how blockchain can be used in the near future to help fight poaching and natural resource depletion especially in African countries that seem to be at the receiving end of these illegal activities.

Are Public and Private blockchains rivals?

The corporate business world is filled with rival private and public entities conducting similar business undertakings. This article examines the major differences that set these apart and discuss how these compliment each other rather than setting them up as competitors.

How smart contracts enhanced blockchain autonomy

Autonomy in blockchain has always been its focus. When the etherium blockchain introduced the use of smart contracts, it became apparent that autonomy on the blockchain was poised for a wider spectrum. How so?