The change of attitudes by nations in approach with the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

As the coronavirus is taking a hard punch on the global communities, many countries are seeing their economy on an imaginable recession they could had never imagine happening to them in this era of discoveries and permanent and continuous innovation.

New countries showing interests in launching of a central bank digital currency

It is just normal and obvious that countries are willing to get in touch and in contact with their own digital currency.

The force of Digital currency

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Digital currency is no longer something new in the world of finance. Yet it is no longer a new term and a new currency in the market, it keeps on bringing debate among experts, nations and financial systems with each trying to surpass the other one in its uses […]

The blockchain technology on a poverty-stricken African continent

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated It is not something new or a new story that the African continent is poorest continent on earth among the other continents or per se, it is one of the poorest continents on new. Africans have always lived with this painful reality […]

Banking the unbanked and the underbanked through digital currency globally

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] These two terms the unbanked and the underbanked may seem to be less significant, but they are very much significant in their meaning. They come together to portray the real face of financial services as banks are not often there to bring their support to the poor, they commonly […]

Difference between digital money and virtual money and what they offer

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] We are living in a time where technology is having a huge impact on our day-to-day life as our entire life is being dominated by digital dealings. This is visible in many aspects of our life. It has brought changes which we cannot deny or refuse to accept as […]

The concepts of Blockchain technology

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Nowadays, Blockchain has become a renowned word in both private and public institutions. Though blockchain was officially launched in January 2009 by Natoshi Sakamoto, it was already existing since 1991, as it was in another form, brought out by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta. It was a cryptographically […]

Using the Blockchain technology in creating a better and vital sharing economy

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] It is no secret that the world is getting or experiencing its worst days since the creation of the earth and the universe in general. Though, life may seem to be looking quite comfortable and handsome, it is not for everyone as our day to day actions affect us […]

Launching domestic national digital currency versus using the established Bitcoin

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Launching and establishing a home based national digital currency or cryptocurrency is actually a very handsome and good idea. It is the best initiative any country can take upon at the moment with the current economic crisis and various regulations actually happening at the moment. Digital transactions took a […]

The value of the blockchain technology on alcohol beverage enterprise based on a blockchain verification system.

Due to social distancing being imposed everywhere in all milieux, one has to adapt and manage to get out the best of what is available. The blockchain technology is really a blessing to mankind during these moments of uncertainty. In order to speed up regulations, distributions, logistics, instead of relying on a paper based work verification, the need was there to shift to a blockchain based verification system.