The cost of bringing the Blockchain Technology to developing countries

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor Notes: Title is slightly updated The creation and the existence of such a technology like the Blockchain technology is actually good news for the entire world in general and for developing countries in particular. It is a technology that developing countries really need as they are being plagued […]

Existing relation between the blockchain technology and the real estate

Now, everything takes place between the buyer and seller in all security as functions that were being done by banks and lawyers like payments, listing and legal documentation is now being done by platforms using as technology, the blockchain.

Increase in the nation production shift

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated Many are those that still doubting the relevance of the blockchain technology in society and the world at large. The human being has always been afraid of one thing or another. At times, the fear really appears to be real, whereas it […]

The rise of digital currencies in Brazil

The BCB known as Brazilian Central Bank under the named PIX hopes and desires that the Brazilian project consisting of creating a new payment service is going to facilitate and make payments easy.

Is digital currency viewed as fulfilling properties of a currency?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Nowadays, we are living a second created made man world in the name of digital world. Even the things we were not expecting has gone digital. When the internet came to existence, its prime objective was to enable and facilitate communication between people, between parties and between nations. But […]

Is the world moving towards the decline in cash use in preference to digital currency?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] As the world has often known, there is constantly an air of change and innovation that the world constantly witnesses. This is how the world has always existed. It is just preferable to accept it and make it a part of us. Some innovations come and stay, whereas others […]

The force of Digital currency

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Digital currency is no longer something new in the world of finance. Yet it is no longer a new term and a new currency in the market, it keeps on bringing debate among experts, nations and financial systems with each trying to surpass the other one in its uses […]

The value of digital currencies in South American countries

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Living in the scope that the world is fending on several things in order to make the livelihood of mankind much better is not something easy as some continents are still far backward. This is notably the case with the African and South American countries. These continents have been […]

Digital currencies payments and market infrastructures

Many banks often function in a typical manner of retailing payments as a part of their role in maintaining the stability and effectiveness of financial systems and keeping the confidence in the used currencies. With the emergence of the new form of currencies, commonly known as digital currencies, it is being examined by different committees and organizations and as such, it has had an immediate and direct impact on payments and market infrastructures.

World major economies exploring the path of Digital currency

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] The world is experiencing something unusual in its history. With the advancement of technology, many thought things will become better and better for all nations. It may be true, though globally it is not the case. The world’s economy stability is being strengthened with various aspects like political crisis […]