Is the world moving towards the decline in cash use in preference to digital currency?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] As the world has often known, there is constantly an air of change and innovation that the world constantly witnesses. This is how the world has always existed. It is just preferable to accept it and make it a part of us. Some innovations come and stay, whereas others […]

The blockchain technology on a poverty-stricken African continent

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated It is not something new or a new story that the African continent is poorest continent on earth among the other continents or per se, it is one of the poorest continents on new. Africans have always lived with this painful reality […]

The blockchain technology and supply chain management

Like many other domains and aspects, the supply chain management has been heavily hit as it is in search of solutions in order to remedy what is for the moment difficult to remedy. The covid-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions in the world in terms of global supply chain.

Analysing the use of the Central Bank of Digital countries in nation countries and cities

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] The use of digital currencies in various countries is taking much ground as the world is seeking for a sure and secure security that can go through economic crisis no matter its magnitude. This has generated the use of a digital country in one or more countries of the […]

The blockchain technology on E-learning

It is a great opportunity for organizations doing E-learning to protect, secure and authenticate the digital certificates, diplomas of their e-learners with no possibility of the digital certificates to be fakes or rendered false.

Why do people want a new currency and specifically digital currency?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Let’s imagine a world stress free from financial setbacks, inconsistency, sorrows and difficulties. The world and its inhabitants are tired of a faulty currency that constantly suffer from undesired financial situations thus affecting its users in multiple ways. And when it does happens, affects the global economy and more […]

The force of Digital currency

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Digital currency is no longer something new in the world of finance. Yet it is no longer a new term and a new currency in the market, it keeps on bringing debate among experts, nations and financial systems with each trying to surpass the other one in its uses […]

The rise of digital currencies in Brazil

The BCB known as Brazilian Central Bank under the named PIX hopes and desires that the Brazilian project consisting of creating a new payment service is going to facilitate and make payments easy.

Is digital currency viewed as fulfilling properties of a currency?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Nowadays, we are living a second created made man world in the name of digital world. Even the things we were not expecting has gone digital. When the internet came to existence, its prime objective was to enable and facilitate communication between people, between parties and between nations. But […]

What impact is blockchain technology having already on the world?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] When Blockchain technology made its apparition, many people doubted its prevalence and thus did not understand the importance of blockchain technology neither the viability of blockchain technology applications nor their potential benefits. As time went on, things turned around and people starting seeing and understanding the potentials and benefits […]