Bitcoin for the change

BTC will change the world. I believe so. So many people will benefit from it nationwide when they all accept to use it as well. We will both cry and be happy at same time.

Just still about Bitcoin… Don’t be ignorant…

Many people lack patience. They envy the lifestyle of those who took risk way back before being where they are now. The cars, houses and many other luxury investments those people have. You coming in now into the block world, you will be expecting immediate results. But I will say “sorry”, that’s not the case. You need to be patient too.

Bitcoin (BTC)

If you deal with bitcoin, to stay in the game, you have to be very vigilant. The value of bitcoin fluctuates often. You have to know when to trade if you are trading in bitcoin, or to know when to buy or sell. If you don’t stay vigilant when trading with bitcoin, you may lose everything.

How blockchain has influence the way people made money back in the past.

With money and in the pass, you were to work very hard to make so much money or to get paid. If you don’t respond or perform well to your job description, you were sacked. But today, that concept and mindset has been changed greatly thanks to blockchain technology.

Flaws of Blockchain

When we look at present currency and how it is being manage, the introduction of bitcoin and other currencies will just alter that chain of the normal currency and it is going to be more difficult to price goods or allocated goods with prices.

What if Satoshi Nakamoto leaves on?

Yes, this is a fundamental question. If he leaves on and is observing all that is happening like the Ethereum owner, this means this guy are capable of shutting down the whole system if things are not getting right for them.

The Risk of Losing Your Coins

People working hard and dying still living their family behind to suffer because of NO digital access to a wallet where their money is all stored. This is a fact. This may not be quickly realis now, but with the Bitcoin is striving, one day it will be the main coin used for transactions.

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Mining

The world with bitcoin today, is not like before. How bitcoin is large today and known by so many, Is not as before. The courage people have to deal with bitcoin is different as before.