Tag Archive for: Blockchain Technology

How africa can immensely benefit from blockchain technology (part 2)

This article will explore two specific examples in health/birth records and education, areas that can set African countries ahead in the right direction if blockchain technology was adopted.

Blockchain action towards the climate crisis

Many experts predict that the growing global catastrophe will far outweigh the catastrophic consequences. The world is facing a climate crisis as well as a climate crisis. We know what to do to stop climate change, but we still don’t know how to get there. Of course, new mechanisms are needed. Blockchain, as I discovered in a new study, is a technology that allows for global cooperation in climate change.

Cryptocurrency industry – A personal experience

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Editor note from Finmail: The title is slightly updated to reflect the content. I woke up to the world of cryptocurrency in 2016, at the time when Bitcoins were gaining momentum and its market value was increasing. Out of sheer curiosity, I jumped into the band wagon, with no clue to […]

Blockchain and law enforcement

Law enforcement is another sector were block chain is yet to find adoption and full implementation. As a security wing in most countries, law enforcement relies heavily on the exchange of information between countries and states.

Wrong concept of Venezuela’s Petro in order of cryptocurrency

Venezuela is facing the worst financial crisis of its time. President Nicolas Maduro is fighting the government’s fight against drugs, food and drug shortages, rising crime and damage to public services and the health care system.

Difference between Crypto Currency and Paper Money

By Rayed Hanif. [email protected] In a world run by money, is now taking different forms and shapes. Technology is changing the world in a good and bad way in terms of every field that ever existed or will ever exist. One of the major topics raised nowadays is about the online currency with majority of […]

Pitfalls of proof of stake consensus part 1

Aside from addressing many bottlenecks associated with proof of work, proof of stake is not without its flaws. For instance, it seem to have introduced its own problems such as the “Rich getting richer”, liquidity issues and the possibility of one changing the history of the block chain.

Electronic securities back up with the use of the blockchain technology.

Electronic securities have become a talking point in recent times, that is for the past and recent years. In the face of innovation and constant changes in the domain of the digital world, there is the need of a spontaneous and adequate response in order to preserve online information and transactions in tact.

Some of the biggest misconceptions about blockchain in enterprise.

Blockchain innovation is the new insurgency with regards to information based administration and record-keeping frameworks, yet with any arising innovation comes disarray and misinterpretation.

The blockchain – what it is part 2

In this article, we continue to look at that comparison by considering other features that make it unique and adaptable for worldwide use such as distributed, a chain of blocks and process integrity.