Blockchain and conflict minerals

African is well known for its mineral wealth many of which is rare, expensive, and in high demand. However, Africa is also well known for civil strife especially in areas where these minerals are found. One mineral that was recently classified as a conflict mineral is tantalum.

Blockchain and unintended environmental costs

Blockchain technology is just rising and its full wider adoption is yet a few years from now. However, could there be some unintended consequences of using Blockchain, more so on a wider scale?

Anonymous and pseudonymous, are they bitcoins black holes?

Secret societies and other underground groupings involved in both illicit and dangerous activities are usually associated with anonymity and pseudonymity connotations. Secret organizations and underground groupings do not want to be tracked and latter prosecuted. Anonymity is thus a protection mechanism.

Likely barriers to blockchain adoption in developing countries

While the developed countries easily adopt these technologies easily because of their educated populace and advanced infrastructure, the developing countries have their own challenges that make them either delay or forego the adoption. This article will highlight the most likely barriers developing countries will likely face in adopting blockchain.

Dash – an altcoin with a difference

The crypto market is still growing with new crypto assets on a daily basis and catching up on this surge is a challenge. However, there are a good number of older crypto assets that may not be as popular to many as the new ones being offloaded into the market. One such an asset is the Dash.

Types of Bitcoin wallets

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are many forms of crypto wallets but basically, they are categorized into two groups as either hot or cold. Hot Wallets Hot wallets are online based but the difference lies in the method of access. Smartphone Apps Some examples of hot wallets are smartphone apps such as Mycelium and AirBitz. […]

Proof of stake consensus – why appealing? Part 1

Recently it was announced that the new launch Ethereum 2.0 will adopt the proof of stake algorithm. Why could this algorithm be more appealing?

Can hyperledger surpass bitcoins?

Launched in 2017 by the Linux foundation, hyper ledger has been gaining momentum, perhaps more that bitcoin blockchain. What is it that could be making hyperledger more appealing than its predecessor?

Blockchain and the music industry

The music industry is yet another sector that could benefit immensely from Blockchain technology once adopted and fully implemented. This is another sector poised to benefit more from the potential offered by smart contracts. It is one industry with so many intermediaries and the elimination of some of these could prove beneficial.

How smart contracts enhanced blockchain autonomy

Autonomy in blockchain has always been its focus. When the etherium blockchain introduced the use of smart contracts, it became apparent that autonomy on the blockchain was poised for a wider spectrum. How so?