Bitcoin wallets

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are different types of Bitcoin users, from the very basic user to the most advanced users. It is very important for users to understand at what level they are involved in the cryptocurrency space in order to derive the most benefits from the system. It’s all about knowing how the […]

Can blockchain manage supply chains?

One critical problem that the world faced sometime back was the use of diamonds to fund rebel groups against governments. Such diamonds were referred to as conflict diamonds, or “blood diamonds.” Africa was full of news related to this in the DRC, Central African Republic and Sierra Leon.

Blockchain design – the 5 perspectives to consider.

There are many types of blockchain designs and each is built on any of the five pillars we will discuss in this article. However, we hasten to state that there could be something already being developed that will surpass current knowledge.

ICOs, possible drawbacks

Every technological breakthrough certainly has its own drawbacks. This is the case with ICOs. How do ICOs compare with venture capital fundraising? This article will consider two possible ways.

Blockchain and unintended environmental costs

Blockchain technology is just rising and its full wider adoption is yet a few years from now. However, could there be some unintended consequences of using Blockchain, more so on a wider scale?

Bitcoin VS Ethereum – The major differences

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Ethereum and Bitcoin are the two most popular blockchain platforms in the world today, but have two different goals. In a way, Bitcoin is referred to as the “gold standard” of blockchain. Although it is a well-known fact the founders of bitcoin are unknown as opposed to the founders of Ethereum, […]

Ethereum blockchain and the plight of retirees worldwide

t is not uncommon to read the following headlines in some national and private newspapers: “Retirees protest over unpaid retirement”. This article will discuss how the Ethereum blockchain can solve some of these endemic problems.

Proof of stake consensus – why appealing? Part 2

In part 1, we focused on one similarity and two types of PoS algorithm. This article will briefly review this and then discuss why proof of stake was introduced.

Blockchain and scholarship awards

n some developing countries, the award of scholarships to needy sections of society is not done transparently and fairly. How can blockchain be applied in such situations to bring fairness and transparency in the whole selection and award process?

Pitfalls of proof of stake consensus part 2

All types of computer systems are vulnerable in one way or another. For example, the proof of stake algorithm was introduced to solve a specific challenge in the proof of work algorithm. But there are specific attacks unique to PoS. These are long-range attack and stake grinding attack.