How blockchain can help reduce traffic offence bribery

Governments worldwide have clearly spelt out specific penalties related to road traffic offences. Unfortunately, governments continue to lose a lot of revenue due to bribes on the roads.

Blockchain technology, a culmination of old technologies

Blockchain is a combination of two long-standing technological developments.The first one is distributed ledger technology, and the second one is cryptography. The same holds true with bitcoins as a cryptocurrency. Its base is the blockchain which sits on the two old technologies. We see how human innovation is truly avoiding reinventing the wheel and the efforts are paying off.

Proof of work, a “weak” but desired protocol

The proof of work protocol has been in use for some time and notably for good reasons. Despite its deficiencies in terms of delayed transaction processing speeds, proof of work is considered a deliberate design meant to win the trust of network users. How so?

Why blockchain will appeal to sensitive consumers

Sensitive users will now be able to purchase any time with a clear conscious because they will have known everything about the product before purchasing it. Indeed, when fully-fledged, sensitive users will find block chain more appealing.

Blockchain is not a magic bullet for all applications. (part 1)

In spites of all the enthusiasm and hopes brought by blockchain, it is not a magic bullet for every type of problem or challenges. Many applications continue to be developed for different sectors but not all applications will be blockchain-based. This article looks at which applications may or may not be suitable for adoption on the blockchain technology.

Blockchain and conflict minerals

African is well known for its mineral wealth many of which is rare, expensive, and in high demand. However, Africa is also well known for civil strife especially in areas where these minerals are found. One mineral that was recently classified as a conflict mineral is tantalum.

Fundamental comparisons between hyperledger and ethereum (part 2)

In part (2), we will consider three more aspects, namely the consensus mechanisms, processing times, and privacy. This will throw more light on the dynamics of blockchain technology and highlight the reason why no one platform is the answer to all challenges.

Cryptocurrency industry – A personal experience

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Editor note from Finmail: The title is slightly updated to reflect the content. I woke up to the world of cryptocurrency in 2016, at the time when Bitcoins were gaining momentum and its market value was increasing. Out of sheer curiosity, I jumped into the band wagon, with no clue to […]

Anonymous and pseudonymous, are they bitcoins black holes?

Secret societies and other underground groupings involved in both illicit and dangerous activities are usually associated with anonymity and pseudonymity connotations. Secret organizations and underground groupings do not want to be tracked and latter prosecuted. Anonymity is thus a protection mechanism.

Fundamental comparison between Ethereum and Hyperledger (part 1)

The fundamental design models between Ethereum and hyper ledger brings out similarities and differences worth noting. This article will point out fundamental comparisons and why users need to take note of them.