Are smart contracts really smart or not?

A smart contract is a term familiar with blockchain technology. It sounds futuristic, exciting, and promising. The term was coined by a computer scientist in the 1990s even before the advent of blockchain as we know it today. It is simply a computer protocol, some lines of code that automatically execute a specified action, like releasing a payment, when certain conditions are fulfilled. But are smart contracts in their current form really smart?

Fundamental comparison between Ethereum and Hyperledger (part 1)

The fundamental design models between Ethereum and hyper ledger brings out similarities and differences worth noting. This article will point out fundamental comparisons and why users need to take note of them.

What is Bitcoin?

By Lumai Mubanga, [email protected] In his article, I would like to endeavor to answer the question, what is Bitcoin? In answering this question in future articles, I write about the origins and motivations leading to the development of this crypto currency. Later on, I will touch on a number of important concepts related to crypto […]

Perpetual african presidencies and how blockchain can block it

Suffice to say, the term “younger democracy” has been abused and often used by some Presidents to rule in perpetuity. Unlike their Asian counterparts, can African self-proclaimed democracies be forced to abide by its tenets?

The blockchain what is it? (part 1)

The hype is here, the tone is set and the technology is just passing through its infancy into its young adulthood and eventual maturity. At that time we envision blockchain becoming as popular and well understood as the internet is today. Like the internet though, many people were outright skeptical, others optimistic and another group who totally avoided it due to lack of accurate knowledge or merely cultural barriers.

Health Care on Hyper ledger, a perfect example

The main challenges affecting health care institutions, especially ones where they have diverse clientele dotted in different locations is keeping trusted data in sync. With thousands of payments and claims to be made each day, they need a system that can quickly process, sync, minimize any serious errors, and provide an accurate record of trusted data.

Blockchain and the stock exchange

If after hours trading refers to the case of trading, what’s stopping financial institutions from enabling after hours trading online today?

How blockchain can help reduce traffic offence bribery

Governments worldwide have clearly spelt out specific penalties related to road traffic offences. Unfortunately, governments continue to lose a lot of revenue due to bribes on the roads.

Anonymous and pseudonymous, are they bitcoins black holes?

Secret societies and other underground groupings involved in both illicit and dangerous activities are usually associated with anonymity and pseudonymity connotations. Secret organizations and underground groupings do not want to be tracked and latter prosecuted. Anonymity is thus a protection mechanism.

Can cryptocurrency be legal tender?

by Lumai Mubanga Legal tender is usually government-issued and controlled. It is regarded, as a national assert recognized and used as legal tender in other neighbouring countries. Legal tender is also regarded as national pride and a sign of sovereignty. Some more powerful legal tender currencies like the US Dollar are also used as reserve […]