Entries by Mubanga LUMAI

Can cryptocurrency be legal tender?

by Lumai Mubanga Legal tender is usually government-issued and controlled. It is regarded, as a national assert recognized and used as legal tender in other neighbouring countries. Legal tender is also regarded as national pride and a sign of sovereignty. Some more powerful legal tender currencies like the US Dollar are also used as reserve […]

The blockchain – what it is not (part 1)

In parts one and two of “blockchain – what it is”, we discussed why the tech design of blockchain has enabled it to be adaptable for worldwide use and adoption. Unlike the internet, blockchain is all about resource and asset management as opposed to information sharing and determination. But is blockchain infallible? What is it not?

Are Public and Private blockchains rivals?

The corporate business world is filled with rival private and public entities conducting similar business undertakings. This article examines the major differences that set these apart and discuss how these compliment each other rather than setting them up as competitors.

Is bitcoin really decentralized?

The whole point of developing cryptocurrencies has been taking control back to the people, the users. Bitcoin and indeed all cryptocurrencies have been developed to empower ordinary users with complete control and easy access to their assets, in this case, money. Thus, the central hold and control of huge financial firms on people’s money have been threatened.

Blockchain indexing – a marvelous feat!

The graph has immerged as that blockchain “search engine” equivalent to google… it is a protocol developed to specifically index and make queries on blockchain data. As a blockchain user, you have much to explore and learn about the Graph.

Blockchain and tollgate fee management

Tollgates around the world are used as revenue collection points from motorists on behalf of the government. The idea is to prioritize road repair and maintenance without waiting for government budgets. How blockchain can help improve present system works?

Who will be the real beneficiaries of blockchain technology?

When the internet was born, it proved to be a game-changer in many ways. From education, finance, health and industrial applications, it was hailed as a tool that would change the way we live. In addition, true to that, we have witnessed the truth of those expectations. However, it is far from achieving everyone’s dreams as initially portrayed.