Entries by Mubanga LUMAI

Pitfalls of proof of stake consensus part 2

All types of computer systems are vulnerable in one way or another. For example, the proof of stake algorithm was introduced to solve a specific challenge in the proof of work algorithm. But there are specific attacks unique to PoS. These are long-range attack and stake grinding attack.

Are smart contracts in their current form the ultimate?

The term “smart” in smart contracts may well excite many readers to think they are the ultimate solutions. Perhaps you may think of smartphones and what they are capable of doing. You use smartphones to surf the net, send emails, watch movies, conduct zoom meetings, transact, take pictures and videos, learn, teach, and many other everyday conveniences. While that is smart indeed, does the same apply to blockchain’s smart contracts in their current form?

Blockchain and scholarship awards

n some developing countries, the award of scholarships to needy sections of society is not done transparently and fairly. How can blockchain be applied in such situations to bring fairness and transparency in the whole selection and award process?

Who will be the real beneficiaries of blockchain technology?

When the internet was born, it proved to be a game-changer in many ways. From education, finance, health and industrial applications, it was hailed as a tool that would change the way we live. In addition, true to that, we have witnessed the truth of those expectations. However, it is far from achieving everyone’s dreams as initially portrayed.

ICO – a new fundraising innovation

Initial Coin Offerings – ICOs are proving to be among the best fundraising options for huge blockchain projects. Some companies have raised huge amounts of investment capital beyond expectation. But what makes ICOs more innovative than the traditional venture capital? How does this mode of raising capital motivate open source projects?

Ethereum and tokenization

The three biggest blockchains have different approaches to tokenization. The Ethereum and bitcoins blockchain hold tokens while the Hyperledger does not. What is the purpose of some tokens on the Ethereum blockchain? How does it differ from other tokens?