Entries by finmail

Digital currency application and example

DIGITAL CURRENCY APPLICATION -This form of currency is one available only in digital or electronic form, and not in physical form. -Can also be referred to as digital money, electronic money or cyber cash. -This system does not require any intermediary, therefore making it the cheapest to trade currencies. By adopting this system, Finmail benefit […]

Blockchain technology and Finmail

By Isaac Nzau Cryptocurrency technology has revolutionized the way people conduct business around the world over the last ten years. Blockchain is the technology used in cryptocurrency. Unlike other forms of currency like the dollar and euro, cryptocurrency is a decentralized currency and trade can be done peer to peer without a third party. Other […]

The Dangers Lurking in Your Inbox: How to Safely Deal with Suspicious Email Attachments and Links

Phishing attacks typically involve malicious emails containing deceitful attachments or links aiming to deceive recipients into revealing sensitive information or downloading malware. To protect ourselves from falling victim to these scams, it is crucial to exercise caution and be skeptical of email attachments and links that appear suspicious. In this article, we will explore some tips to help you navigate the treacherous waters of email attachments and links, ensuring your online safety remains intact.

Mining hardware – The evolution

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] When Nakamoto Satoshi released the source code for bitcoins in 2009, he probably did not realise the wider effects of that act on the world economy. He set forth a stream of innovations that would give birth to different terms and expressions that would become common in our century and beyond. […]