Tag Archive for: Blockchain Technology

Blockchain and scholarship awards

n some developing countries, the award of scholarships to needy sections of society is not done transparently and fairly. How can blockchain be applied in such situations to bring fairness and transparency in the whole selection and award process?

Internet of things (IoT) and the blockchain

Many IoT systems have a single point of failure. Once that single point of failure is attacked, the whole system becomes compromised. Can blockchain turn the tables?

Significant records on the blockchain technology that is visible in all aspects of life open to a universal use

The blockchain technology has no limits. When you think you have understood its functioning, it is at that very moment you turn to realize it is a technology of great magnitude.

Types of cryptocurrencies

There are three types of cryptocurrencies, namely the self-organizing cryptocurrency, the corporate cryptocurrency and state-based cryptocurrency. This article will highlight some significant differences between them.

Launching domestic national digital currency versus using the established Bitcoin

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Launching and establishing a home based national digital currency or cryptocurrency is actually a very handsome and good idea. It is the best initiative any country can take upon at the moment with the current economic crisis and various regulations actually happening at the moment. Digital transactions took a […]

The change of attitudes by nations in approach with the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

As the coronavirus is taking a hard punch on the global communities, many countries are seeing their economy on an imaginable recession they could had never imagine happening to them in this era of discoveries and permanent and continuous innovation.

Applications of 3D Blockchain

Applications 3D blockchain platforms are now accessible. The development of these projects is because of cryptocurrency. The plan is managed using different cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin’s threat to the potentially endangered global financial system (part 1)

By 2020, the cryptocurrency dream may be dead. This does not mean that cryptocurrencies will disappear. But in the last decade, all the financial romantics that have reached the heights of bitcoin and different currencies have been taken into account. Whether you like the idea of ​​a world free of central banks and other corporate giants.

Can blockchain be applied to control land authorities

Many backward countries face major challenges in terms of land resources. Without proper management, distribution, and accounting of operations, millions of hectares of land are widely publicized.

How secure is blockchain?

With so many cyber-attacks launched against conventional Information systems around the world, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars, many have wondered how secure blockchain really is. This article will provide some insight into how blockchain is designed and secured at the same time.