Tag Archive for: Blockchain Technology

How Blockchain Create Smart Medical Ecosystem

In these modern days, with blockchain technology, medical records can easily be distributed. With its feature, blockchain technology can give control to the patient on their medical records. There are reasons why medical treatment needs to use blockchain technology.

The “new” Ox protocol

how “new” is the new way the Ox protocol work with regard to the exchange coins? If you know, the person you want to trade with, all you need is to send an Ox order via messenger or email. Then, all they need to do is accept the order and execute.

New countries showing interests in launching of a central bank digital currency

It is just normal and obvious that countries are willing to get in touch and in contact with their own digital currency.

High profile dapps on Ethereum. Are they for you? (Part 2)

In this article, we will consider another high profile Dapp known as Digix. Digix, unlike Augur, tokenizes Gold on the ethereum network. How did this initiative develop, and how may you get involved?

Blockchain application and the health industry

The medical industry is one of the largest industries in the world with billions of clients. The fact that every citizen needs it means it is one industry with the potential to make billions of dollars. Every country has its own unique challenges when it comes to handling medical services for its citizens. However, one common challenge is data availability and privacy of that data. Is blockchain finally the answer to that dual necessity?