Tag Archive for: Blockchain Technology

What will be the future of blockchain technology?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century, something new came to light in the world. Since its creation, it has not stopped from evolving and improving, gaining hearts after hearts. Nations after nations are taking it into consideration, with some nations practically using it in […]

Types of Bitcoin users

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are different conception regarding the use, mining and ownership of bitcoins just as there are different ideas of bitcoin users. This article will discuss the types of general bitcoin users be it millennials or old folks, and the type of services attached to each type. It is noteworthy to state […]

The need for Money in relation to crypto currency

The chances of you venturing into crypto currency not knowing anything, but relying on those who have succeeded to succeed, are very slim.

A Life-changing opportunity. Finmail

By: Jerry Moses. [email protected] Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, December 9, 2019. If someone took a look at your resumè, would they really know who you are? How about in a thirty-minute interview? Even if it started off with the classic “Tell me a little about yourself” line, you’re still not much more than a stranger. […]

Blockchain and the music industry

The music industry is yet another sector that could benefit immensely from Blockchain technology once adopted and fully implemented. This is another sector poised to benefit more from the potential offered by smart contracts. It is one industry with so many intermediaries and the elimination of some of these could prove beneficial.

Launching domestic national digital currency versus using the established Bitcoin

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Launching and establishing a home based national digital currency or cryptocurrency is actually a very handsome and good idea. It is the best initiative any country can take upon at the moment with the current economic crisis and various regulations actually happening at the moment. Digital transactions took a […]

Economic analysis of blockchain technology on the virtual financial world market

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] As the world moves on in witnessing daily and various advancements, so it is the same with economical advancements. The world is gaining heights in its entire aspect bringing civilisation to a different and new level. With this in sight, the world has come to experience a new growth […]

High profile dapps on ethereum. Are they for you?

This article will look at one high profile applications on Ethereum, namely; Augur, excluding Digix and Maker. These are decentralized applications, otherwise known as Dapps on the blockchain.

Bitcoin wallets

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are different types of Bitcoin users, from the very basic user to the most advanced users. It is very important for users to understand at what level they are involved in the cryptocurrency space in order to derive the most benefits from the system. It’s all about knowing how the […]

Proof of work and desire for decentralization

Although proof of work protocol had served the blockchain community faithfully since its inception with bitcoin, its inability to scale and its support for centralization were some of the identified weaknesses. How is the proof of work protocol perceived as supporting centralization?