Blockchain is not a magic bullet for all applications. (Part 2)

In part one, we stated that blockchain is not the answer or magic bullet for any challenge or problem. This article considers three more.

Bitcoin & Blockchain communities

Bitcoin and Blockchain history have proved to be a story of rapid transformation. After initial scandals in the industry, the fledging technology emerged and rose in value to attract the attention of JP Morgan Chase and the mushrooming of reputable companies that support the ecosystem.

Can hyperledger surpass bitcoins?

Launched in 2017 by the Linux foundation, hyper ledger has been gaining momentum, perhaps more that bitcoin blockchain. What is it that could be making hyperledger more appealing than its predecessor?

Can blockchain change african “democracies”?

Unlike most advanced economies and systems, Africa lurks far behind in many areas. Few countries really appreciate and trust democratic systems in African countries. This article will discuss the unique challenges faced by many African states and how blockchain may finally overcome some of these challenges.

Why we need decentralized systems

The coming of blockchain and bitcoins have amplified decentralization as never before. While there are assertions that decentralization has given advantages to the “bad guys” to carry out their evil schemes, there is very good reasons to believe that decentralization is what we need as a society in this era.

The basic attention token – BAT

Imagine reading adverts and earning at the same time. This is exactly what the basic attention token is all about. How does it work?

The power of ethereum

Have you ever realized the power of Ethereum? In this article, we will discuss a few applications that the Ethereum blockchain is being used for. With more than 300, 000 developers across the world developing applications using more than 10, 000 nodes, Ethereum’s power is only beginning to be felt.

Blockchain is not a magic bullet for all application part 3

In parts 1 and 2, we discussed a number of characteristics required for applications to consider before leveraging blockchain platform for efficiency and robustness. In this article, we round it up with three more criteria for blockchain use.

Blockchain technology, a culmination of old technologies

Blockchain is a combination of two long-standing technological developments.The first one is distributed ledger technology, and the second one is cryptography. The same holds true with bitcoins as a cryptocurrency. Its base is the blockchain which sits on the two old technologies. We see how human innovation is truly avoiding reinventing the wheel and the efforts are paying off.

Blockchain is secure and trusted but inefficient

The purpose of innovative solutions is to be more efficient, secure and trusted in comparison to present solutions. While blockchain for sure has proved to be more secure and trustworthy, there seems to be one area in which more innovation is required to polish it up and make it to near perfection. That is the area of efficiency.