How blockchain is causing a tech evolution

When the Internet gained ground and experienced exponential growth and adoption, many countries started experiencing immense benefits from innovation. One area though of service delivery though that needed to evolve to survive was the postal system. Will blockchain have the same effect on some services?

Health Care on Hyper ledger, a perfect example

The main challenges affecting health care institutions, especially ones where they have diverse clientele dotted in different locations is keeping trusted data in sync. With thousands of payments and claims to be made each day, they need a system that can quickly process, sync, minimize any serious errors, and provide an accurate record of trusted data.

How to deploy an application on Ethereum – Basics

As you already know, ethereum is an open-source platform for application deployment. However, just how can you personally get involved and build an application that will eventually run on this block chain?

Desperately search for Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin

In 2008, a claimant Satoshi Nakamoto submitted a paper outlining the implications of becoming the world’s largest digital cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. But who is the mysterious writer? Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

Blockchain and unintended environmental costs

Blockchain technology is just rising and its full wider adoption is yet a few years from now. However, could there be some unintended consequences of using Blockchain, more so on a wider scale?

BTC Wallet

When you are ready to join the blockchain, there are some simple steps you will take. If it was made possible for people’s ID to be known, that will make the chain secured and peoples confident to transact using the blockchain to be made wide.

The relation between crypto wallet, blockchain, and bitcoin

When the bitcoin first appeared eight years ago, it promised a change in payments. People could transact directly with each other without relying on banks – but that promise had not yet been fulfilled and bitcoin had little acceptance.

Wrong concept of Venezuela’s Petro in order of cryptocurrency

Venezuela is facing the worst financial crisis of its time. President Nicolas Maduro is fighting the government’s fight against drugs, food and drug shortages, rising crime and damage to public services and the health care system.

Scams of cryptocurrency may work

Millions of cryptocurrency investors have been scandalized. In 2018, cryptocurrency crime losses were 1.7 billion. Criminals used to separate old and new technologies called blockchain. A form of digital currency that can be exchanged through an online database.

Blockchain and conflict minerals

African is well known for its mineral wealth many of which is rare, expensive, and in high demand. However, Africa is also well known for civil strife especially in areas where these minerals are found. One mineral that was recently classified as a conflict mineral is tantalum.