Is a smart contract really the future of contracting?

Smart transactions are logical and technical principles and policies that govern hosting operations on blockchain networks encoded in a blockchain environment. It is hosted on blockchain applications or standalone applications running on blockchain networks. The Smart Agreement for Transactions on Blockchain Networks ensures that you are satisfied with the implementation of data exchange policies.

Are smart contracts in their current form the ultimate?

The term “smart” in smart contracts may well excite many readers to think they are the ultimate solutions. Perhaps you may think of smartphones and what they are capable of doing. You use smartphones to surf the net, send emails, watch movies, conduct zoom meetings, transact, take pictures and videos, learn, teach, and many other everyday conveniences. While that is smart indeed, does the same apply to blockchain’s smart contracts in their current form?

Will Cryptocurrencies democratize everything?

The well-known immediate effect of cryptocurrencies in our world today has been its decentralization of finances sector. However, could this successful decentralization of some financial transactions lead to more decentralization or democratization of other spheres of day-to-day life?

All about the energy which bitcoin consumes

The word “bitcoin” may be a symbol of fire. The financial union looks at speculation where there is still no rule. At the same time, others argue that this is something that interferes with the overall life of US financial institutions.

How africa can immensely benefit from blockchain technology (part 2)

This article will explore two specific examples in health/birth records and education, areas that can set African countries ahead in the right direction if blockchain technology was adopted.

Wrong concept of Venezuela’s Petro in order of cryptocurrency

Venezuela is facing the worst financial crisis of its time. President Nicolas Maduro is fighting the government’s fight against drugs, food and drug shortages, rising crime and damage to public services and the health care system.

Health Care on Hyper ledger, a perfect example

The main challenges affecting health care institutions, especially ones where they have diverse clientele dotted in different locations is keeping trusted data in sync. With thousands of payments and claims to be made each day, they need a system that can quickly process, sync, minimize any serious errors, and provide an accurate record of trusted data.

BTC Wallet

When you are ready to join the blockchain, there are some simple steps you will take. If it was made possible for people’s ID to be known, that will make the chain secured and peoples confident to transact using the blockchain to be made wide.

Are smart contracts really smart or not?

A smart contract is a term familiar with blockchain technology. It sounds futuristic, exciting, and promising. The term was coined by a computer scientist in the 1990s even before the advent of blockchain as we know it today. It is simply a computer protocol, some lines of code that automatically execute a specified action, like releasing a payment, when certain conditions are fulfilled. But are smart contracts in their current form really smart?

The relation between crypto wallet, blockchain, and bitcoin

When the bitcoin first appeared eight years ago, it promised a change in payments. People could transact directly with each other without relying on banks – but that promise had not yet been fulfilled and bitcoin had little acceptance.