日志 Mubanga LUMAI

Are Public and Private blockchains rivals?

The corporate business world is filled with rival private and public entities conducting similar business undertakings. This article examines the major differences that set these apart and discuss how these compliment each other rather than setting them up as competitors.

ICOs, possible drawbacks

Every technological breakthrough certainly has its own drawbacks. This is the case with ICOs. How do ICOs compare with venture capital fundraising? This article will consider two possible ways.

Can blockchain manage supply chains?

One critical problem that the world faced sometime back was the use of diamonds to fund rebel groups against governments. Such diamonds were referred to as conflict diamonds, or “blood diamonds.” Africa was full of news related to this in the DRC, Central African Republic and Sierra Leon.

Turnpikes and blockchain, a way to decentralization.

In most cases, an appointed road agency collects funds on behalf of the government. However, some government have been reported to use these funds for political campaigns, personal projects and in some cases, the cash disappears in thin air. How can blockchain decentralize and streamline the use of these funds in a transparent manner?

Blockchain is secure and trusted but inefficient

The purpose of innovative solutions is to be more efficient, secure and trusted in comparison to present solutions. While blockchain for sure has proved to be more secure and trustworthy, there seems to be one area in which more innovation is required to polish it up and make it to near perfection. That is the area of efficiency.

Blockchain and tollgate fee management

Tollgates around the world are used as revenue collection points from motorists on behalf of the government. The idea is to prioritize road repair and maintenance without waiting for government budgets. How blockchain can help improve present system works?