What impact is blockchain technology having already on the world?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] When Blockchain technology made its apparition, many people doubted its prevalence and thus did not understand the importance of blockchain technology neither the viability of blockchain technology applications nor their potential benefits. As time went on, things turned around and people starting seeing and understanding the potentials and benefits […]

Living in the time governed by technological advancements and innovations

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated It is difficult to be living in this world without being influenced by technological advancements. The human has now the challenge to get itself along with these technologicals as they are designed for own good. They are there to render life quite […]

Looking at the Blockchain technology in developing countries

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated Every time and then in the world these days around, a new technology comes along that changes everything in an unbelievable way. Too many experts and observers, the latest trend now is the blockchain technology and how it has revolutionized the digital […]

Is Bitcoin opened to everyone?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Yes, Bitcoin is beginning to take its stands as times goes on. Though it is a new type of digital currency, it is already worldly known by all as in every continent in the world, starting from America to Africa, though some continents have users of bitcoins more than […]

Levelling of digital currencies to all users worldwide

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] This might sound surprising, but the fact is there digital currency is amazing and very nice to use, whether you use it for a private a public reason. It remains very outstanding as a source of digital currency. The interesting fact about this type of currency in particularly the […]

Electronic securities back up with the use of the blockchain technology.

Electronic securities have become a talking point in recent times, that is for the past and recent years. In the face of innovation and constant changes in the domain of the digital world, there is the need of a spontaneous and adequate response in order to preserve online information and transactions in tact.

Launching domestic national digital currency versus using the established Bitcoin

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Launching and establishing a home based national digital currency or cryptocurrency is actually a very handsome and good idea. It is the best initiative any country can take upon at the moment with the current economic crisis and various regulations actually happening at the moment. Digital transactions took a […]

Banking the unbanked and the underbanked through digital currency globally

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] These two terms the unbanked and the underbanked may seem to be less significant, but they are very much significant in their meaning. They come together to portray the real face of financial services as banks are not often there to bring their support to the poor, they commonly […]

The blockchain technology and supply chain management

Like many other domains and aspects, the supply chain management has been heavily hit as it is in search of solutions in order to remedy what is for the moment difficult to remedy. The covid-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions in the world in terms of global supply chain.

The change of attitudes by nations in approach with the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

As the coronavirus is taking a hard punch on the global communities, many countries are seeing their economy on an imaginable recession they could had never imagine happening to them in this era of discoveries and permanent and continuous innovation.