How Blockchain Secure Cloud Storage

by Fauzan Anandika

In a communication business, data security is the most critical aspect. A company like a phone provider is entrusted with customer personal information like ID number, full name, and address. All of this becomes their everyday homework. The business owner tries their best to protect their data. Put it in a safe place but also easy to access. 

Cloud storage becomes one of the solutions to this problem. Many businesses start to migrate their data from hardware into cloud base storage. They use cloud storage to back up their files to prevent data loss if the hardware malfunction. And not forget to mention it also shareable. Every information in the cloud storage could easily access by the authorized people. 

It will be a bad scenario if there is a day when a business owner tries to log into our device but find out that they cannot get access to the device. And the only way to get the data back is to allocate an amount of money to fix the problem. And the worst case is they do not have any backup. 

The other scenario is you already back up all your data in cloud storage and when trouble appears, you can easily continue working with using the backup data while try asking your staff to fix the situation. Sound interesting isn’t it? 

But how can a business trust a data cloud provider? Or should they build their storage system? In a communication industry where a company stored a large amount of customer personal information, providing high data security is a must. Several things need to be fulfilled by the provider to create safe data storage. These are the things that need to fulfill to ensure data safety:

  1. Using the most advanced technology in digital storage
  2. have the ability to protect the data
  3. Immune to any ransomware attack  
  4. Fast and easy to implement

Well, this part is where Blockchain technology takes a role and has become the most reasonable solution right now. 

The reason for using Blockchain

Blockchain is a decentralized system that could trace every data transaction in a distributed database. It will create a different hash value that could easily to trace every time the block is removed or edited. So it would give a chance to add the digital signature in every data collection and ensure every data is well protected and updated. Making a flexible way of accessing the customer’s data will be stored in a decentralized chain. It is the reason why businesses try to migrate their data backup to the blockchain network. 

Creating customer backup data

 The main reason why businesses use blockchain is that blockchain could create a complete record, that craft in its chain that shows every data movement that happens. The data record is shared with all the stakeholders within a close loop network. 

Blockchain technology helps a telecommunication company to verify the data updated and creating a certificate for each customer file. The purpose is to check if there any data that has been changed by the customer. This will create a valid database that will help the company to serve better for their customer. 

Blockchain implementation already uses in different kind of industries and keep on spreading other field industry. 

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