Blockchain and law enforcement

Law enforcement is another sector were block chain is yet to find adoption and full implementation. As a security wing in most countries, law enforcement relies heavily on the exchange of information between countries and states.

Crypto – Colonialism!

A cryptocurrency trader by the name of Puerto Rico has moved to Puerto Rico to create a cryptocurrency utopia called Sol. There are some plans to pay taxes there. However, it is not entirely clear when the US (some or less) regions will change.

How secure is blockchain?

With so many cyber-attacks launched against conventional Information systems around the world, resulting in the loss of billions of dollars, many have wondered how secure blockchain really is. This article will provide some insight into how blockchain is designed and secured at the same time.

Is the current surge in cryptocurrencies, a case of cause and effect?

The financial crisis of 2008 could be defined as an epoch event in the history of humankind that passed and left a trail of unknown effects, effects that would be felt decades after it is even forgotten. One though cannot mention that event without mentioning the banking sector.

Are Public and Private blockchains rivals?

The corporate business world is filled with rival private and public entities conducting similar business undertakings. This article examines the major differences that set these apart and discuss how these compliment each other rather than setting them up as competitors.

Blockchain technology was never a mistake

5 years now, I have been using blockchain technology through cryptocurrency exchange. Bitcoin is highly used ever since it was introduced. Finmail is one of the platforms I have been enjoying, learning and far more use bitcoin and USDT cryptocurrency.

How smart contracts enhanced blockchain autonomy

Autonomy in blockchain has always been its focus. When the etherium blockchain introduced the use of smart contracts, it became apparent that autonomy on the blockchain was poised for a wider spectrum. How so?

Does blockchain immutability guarantee accuracy?

The greatest benefits blockchain has introduced into database systems is immutability. While data can be added and “updated”, it cannot be deleted or edited. However, does it guarantee the accuracy of the data?

Blockchain is secure and trusted but inefficient

The purpose of innovative solutions is to be more efficient, secure and trusted in comparison to present solutions. While blockchain for sure has proved to be more secure and trustworthy, there seems to be one area in which more innovation is required to polish it up and make it to near perfection. That is the area of efficiency.

How powerful is blockchain disintermediation effect?

Disintermediation is the ability to remove intermediaries in financial transactions to save costs. Blockchain has however demonstrated that intermediaries can be done away with effectively, if not at a lesser cost than is attainable today.