What is Initial Coin Offerings – ICO

Since the inception of cryptocurrencies, initial coin offering has become a buzz word, if not a household name for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Other cryptocurrency hobbyists simply wonder what it is all about. This article will briefly explain what ICO is and why you may be the next interesting beneficiary.

Blockchain application and the health industry

The medical industry is one of the largest industries in the world with billions of clients. The fact that every citizen needs it means it is one industry with the potential to make billions of dollars. Every country has its own unique challenges when it comes to handling medical services for its citizens. However, one common challenge is data availability and privacy of that data. Is blockchain finally the answer to that dual necessity?

Incorruptible blockchain technology and the blind signature in overall transactions

It is of no new knowledge that the main predominance of the blockchain technology is the financial world and its various systems. The blockchain technology is so much involve in the financial world in such a way that it needs to have the highest security in terms of protection of user’s data and information.

ICOs, possible drawbacks

Every technological breakthrough certainly has its own drawbacks. This is the case with ICOs. How do ICOs compare with venture capital fundraising? This article will consider two possible ways.

Blockchain application in the insurance industry

The insurance market is one of the largest and dynamic industries. It is one industry where quick decisions need to be made based on real and authentic data as well an industry fraught with fraud, inefficiency and unprocessed claims amounting to billions of dollars. How will blockchain technology help such an industry?

Why has the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies become indispensable?

by Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy Is the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies really indispensable that it is hard to deal without them when it refers to online dealings? The answer is certainly a Big YES. We live in a time; humanity does not know how the tomorrow will look like. The only certainty one can go […]

Blockchain application and the financial industry

When bitcoin was invented, it had clear goals of eliminating the controlling financial authorities over personal funds. It aimed to eliminate banks and other financial institutions and give power back to the owners. However, when enterprise blockchain became popularized, blockchain found fertile soils for easy incorporation into its genetic code. Diverse applications resulted.

Blockchain Technology – A Personal Thought

Some say, blockchain chain technology is transparent. How is this true when the number of black-market transactions keep increasing and being successful with nothing done to stop it.

Pitfalls of proof of stake consensus part 2

All types of computer systems are vulnerable in one way or another. For example, the proof of stake algorithm was introduced to solve a specific challenge in the proof of work algorithm. But there are specific attacks unique to PoS. These are long-range attack and stake grinding attack.

Enterprise blockchain platforms part 1

by Lumai Mubanga Enterprise blockchain is essentially the type of blockchain intended to empower a private network with some central authority controls that is able to take part in consensus and validate transactions on the network. The rise of enterprise blockchain has been supported different types of enterprise blockchain platforms. Enterprise blockchain platforms exist precisely […]