Proof of stake consensus – why appealing? Part 2

In part 1, we focused on one similarity and two types of PoS algorithm. This article will briefly review this and then discuss why proof of stake was introduced.

ICO – a new fundraising innovation

Initial Coin Offerings – ICOs are proving to be among the best fundraising options for huge blockchain projects. Some companies have raised huge amounts of investment capital beyond expectation. But what makes ICOs more innovative than the traditional venture capital? How does this mode of raising capital motivate open source projects?

Incorruptible blockchain technology and the blind signature in overall transactions

It is of no new knowledge that the main predominance of the blockchain technology is the financial world and its various systems. The blockchain technology is so much involve in the financial world in such a way that it needs to have the highest security in terms of protection of user’s data and information.

Blockchain application in the insurance industry

The insurance market is one of the largest and dynamic industries. It is one industry where quick decisions need to be made based on real and authentic data as well an industry fraught with fraud, inefficiency and unprocessed claims amounting to billions of dollars. How will blockchain technology help such an industry?

Why has the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies become indispensable?

by Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy Is the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies really indispensable that it is hard to deal without them when it refers to online dealings? The answer is certainly a Big YES. We live in a time; humanity does not know how the tomorrow will look like. The only certainty one can go […]

Proof of stake consensus – why appealing? Part 1

Recently it was announced that the new launch Ethereum 2.0 will adopt the proof of stake algorithm. Why could this algorithm be more appealing?

How the blockchain technology has progressed to work in the formal and informal sectors

As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, many governments enforced lockdown in the countries or cities with the aim of slowing down the spread of the virus in the different spheres of their life. This lockdown has impacted seriously private as well as public businesses.

The change of attitudes by nations in approach with the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

As the coronavirus is taking a hard punch on the global communities, many countries are seeing their economy on an imaginable recession they could had never imagine happening to them in this era of discoveries and permanent and continuous innovation.

Enterprise blockchain platforms part 1

by Lumai Mubanga Enterprise blockchain is essentially the type of blockchain intended to empower a private network with some central authority controls that is able to take part in consensus and validate transactions on the network. The rise of enterprise blockchain has been supported different types of enterprise blockchain platforms. Enterprise blockchain platforms exist precisely […]

The unmissed opportunities that the blockchain technology has to offer to the entire world.

At this time of the year that every eye is focused essentially on the coronavirus, there are many things that could had been avoided like the cancellation of election and voting with the use of the blockchain.