Analysing the use of the Central Bank of Digital countries in nation countries and cities

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] The use of digital currencies in various countries is taking much ground as the world is seeking for a sure and secure security that can go through economic crisis no matter its magnitude. This has generated the use of a digital country in one or more countries of the […]

Mining pools what they are?

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Due to the potentially higher costs related to the mining of bitcoins, mining pools were born. Just what are they and what are some pros and cons? Before we explain mining pools, let us briefly explain the types of bitcoin miners. Bear in mind that types of miners are different from […]

Modelling and availability of digital currencies in the Far East

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] The name Far East actually deserves such appellation, due to its geographical, political, social, and economical location and situation, though these countries are advancing with a great pace. In the Far East, some countries are really getting along with the western civilization as they do their possible best to […]

Mining hardware – The evolution

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] When Nakamoto Satoshi released the source code for bitcoins in 2009, he probably did not realise the wider effects of that act on the world economy. He set forth a stream of innovations that would give birth to different terms and expressions that would become common in our century and beyond. […]

Is it possible for blockchain to disrupt global cross-border repayments?

By Kelvin Boateng. [email protected] Blockchain is certainly an emerging as well as futuristic method that can be merely described as a decentralized technique. Blockchain technology is a peer to peer without the participation of the 3rd party. However, what does it suggest? Is Blockchain completely secured? Blockchain is acquiring nearly all the fields and reshaping […]

Difference between digital money and virtual money and what they offer

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] We are living in a time where technology is having a huge impact on our day-to-day life as our entire life is being dominated by digital dealings. This is visible in many aspects of our life. It has brought changes which we cannot deny or refuse to accept as […]

Can blockchain manage supply chains?

One critical problem that the world faced sometime back was the use of diamonds to fund rebel groups against governments. Such diamonds were referred to as conflict diamonds, or “blood diamonds.” Africa was full of news related to this in the DRC, Central African Republic and Sierra Leon.

Digital signature schemes – How they work?

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] All cryptocurrency users have two types of digital signatures. These are private and public keys. Recall that both messages and transactions are sent over the Bitcoin network pseudonymously and trustlessly. This is achieved partly through the use of digital signatures. Transactions contained in previous blocks of the blockchain are tamper-proof, meaning […]

The blockchain technology and global affairs like inequality hampering the development and smooth running of global issues

The world has not seen a stop in a hindrance disturbing the global peace. Many global organizations have been created in order to face fiercely the difficulties the human race struggles against, day in, day out.

Levelling of digital currencies to all users worldwide

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] This might sound surprising, but the fact is there digital currency is amazing and very nice to use, whether you use it for a private a public reason. It remains very outstanding as a source of digital currency. The interesting fact about this type of currency in particularly the […]