The two commonly used formats for email exchange, MIME (.eml) and Mbox (.mbox), are both supported for importing.
Importing Email Messages
To add email messages to the currently selected folder, one or multiple files with MIME or Mbox data can be uploaded:
- Click on the folder where the imported messages should be added.
- Choose Import from the More menu in the toolbar.
- Select the file to be imported from your computer’s hard drive. You can select multiple files by holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys while selecting.
- Press ’Upload’ to initiate the import process.
Exporting Email Messages
You can download messages from your inbox or any other folder to your computer for archiving or backup purposes. When exporting, messages will be saved as individual .eml files.
Download a Single Message
To download an email message, first select the message in the Messages List and then choose Download (.eml) from the More menu in the toolbar. If prompted, select the location to save the exported .eml file. Otherwise, find the file in the ”Downloads” folder on your computer.
Download Multiple Messages
Multiple messages will be packed into a ZIP file for download. Select individual messages in the Messages List and follow the instructions for downloading a single message. You will need to unpack the downloaded .zip archive to access the individual message files.