How powerful is blockchain disintermediation effect?

Disintermediation is the ability to remove intermediaries in financial transactions to save costs. Blockchain has however demonstrated that intermediaries can be done away with effectively, if not at a lesser cost than is attainable today.

Blockchain and law enforcement

Law enforcement is another sector were block chain is yet to find adoption and full implementation. As a security wing in most countries, law enforcement relies heavily on the exchange of information between countries and states.

Is bitcoin really decentralized?

The whole point of developing cryptocurrencies has been taking control back to the people, the users. Bitcoin and indeed all cryptocurrencies have been developed to empower ordinary users with complete control and easy access to their assets, in this case, money. Thus, the central hold and control of huge financial firms on people’s money have been threatened.

Health Care on Hyper ledger, a perfect example

The main challenges affecting health care institutions, especially ones where they have diverse clientele dotted in different locations is keeping trusted data in sync. With thousands of payments and claims to be made each day, they need a system that can quickly process, sync, minimize any serious errors, and provide an accurate record of trusted data.

Blockchain is not a magic bullet for all application part 3

In parts 1 and 2, we discussed a number of characteristics required for applications to consider before leveraging blockchain platform for efficiency and robustness. In this article, we round it up with three more criteria for blockchain use.

Are smart contracts really smart or not?

A smart contract is a term familiar with blockchain technology. It sounds futuristic, exciting, and promising. The term was coined by a computer scientist in the 1990s even before the advent of blockchain as we know it today. It is simply a computer protocol, some lines of code that automatically execute a specified action, like releasing a payment, when certain conditions are fulfilled. But are smart contracts in their current form really smart?

Blockchain is not a magic bullet for all applications. (Part 2)

In part one, we stated that blockchain is not the answer or magic bullet for any challenge or problem. This article considers three more.

Will Cryptocurrencies democratize everything?

The well-known immediate effect of cryptocurrencies in our world today has been its decentralization of finances sector. However, could this successful decentralization of some financial transactions lead to more decentralization or democratization of other spheres of day-to-day life?

Possible effects of blockchain on world business enterprises.

With Blockchain gaining more and more momentum and adaptations across different platform, it appears the technology is just heating up and is yet to reach its climax in ita transformative wave across businesses. This article endeavours to speculate on the possible effects Blockchain will have on businesses in general.

The three pillars of a distributed system

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] In a previous article, I pointed out that distributed systems are the foundation of the bitcoin/block chain technology. It is now common knowledge, despite many current debates for and against this technology that the world is at a verge of a major breakthrough in technological advancement. For example, think for a […]