Likely inconsistencies of decentralized systems

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Almost all decentralized systems have some operational weakness. These weaknesses may result in serious inconsistences that may render the whole system difficult to manage as well as inabilities to censor malicious users. Like any other commercial or financial systems, decentralized systems are not immune to human abuse and misuse. Let’s discuss […]

Real-life experience in the blockchain world

By Verdzekov Bernard. [email protected] I thought I could keep this to myself, but wants to read on a real-life experience and also it is good for people around the world who will read this, to be aware of the things go on around the world. Base on real life fact, and personal experience, I […]

What is Bitcoin?

By Lumai Mubanga, [email protected] In his article, I would like to endeavor to answer the question, what is Bitcoin? In answering this question in future articles, I write about the origins and motivations leading to the development of this crypto currency. Later on, I will touch on a number of important concepts related to crypto […]

Stories around the world confirming the sure value of the blockchain technology

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated The world is in agony and it is obvious that they are smaller nations suffering the more from these crisis or agony with no or less solutions for these countries. As such, these countries are currently suffering from problems there are not […]

The impact of crptocurrency in today world’s economy

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that uses cryptography for security and anti-counterfeiting measures. It can also be known in normal terms as a digital or virtual currency which aims as a medium of exchange. In the other hand, cryptography involves the use of codes to solve an […]

Blockchain and the stock exchange

If after hours trading refers to the case of trading, what’s stopping financial institutions from enabling after hours trading online today?

Modelling and availability of digital currencies in the Far East

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] The name Far East actually deserves such appellation, due to its geographical, political, social, and economical location and situation, though these countries are advancing with a great pace. In the Far East, some countries are really getting along with the western civilization as they do their possible best to […]

Crypto bubbles & Ethereum Review

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Editor note from Finmail: The title is slightly updated to reflect the content. Ever heard of Bitcoin and Ethereum Bubbles? The Bitcoin bubble was followed by the Ethereum bubble. Recall that the Bitcoin hype was created by speculative trading and the alleged Chinese business men entry into the cryptocurrency market. After […]

Online payment system made easier through cryptocurrency

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Cryptocurrency is something which we couldn’t imagine happening in the 21 century as it comes at a time when the world is plagued by different crisis such as climatic changes, economic crisis, political crisis, social crisis with each affecting the stability of the world in its own way. Can […]

Increasing Ethereum companies – A sign of world wide acceptance?

Much like any other technological development, the crypto space has seen an explosion in the number of companies that have sprang up to directly or indirectly support the ecosystem.