Mining hardware – The evolution

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] When Nakamoto Satoshi released the source code for bitcoins in 2009, he probably did not realise the wider effects of that act on the world economy. He set forth a stream of innovations that would give birth to different terms and expressions that would become common in our century and beyond. […]

Real-life experience in the blockchain world

By Verdzekov Bernard. [email protected] I thought I could keep this to myself, but wants to read on a real-life experience and also it is good for people around the world who will read this, to be aware of the things go on around the world. Base on real life fact, and personal experience, I […]

Analysing the use of the Central Bank of Digital countries in nation countries and cities

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] The use of digital currencies in various countries is taking much ground as the world is seeking for a sure and secure security that can go through economic crisis no matter its magnitude. This has generated the use of a digital country in one or more countries of the […]

10 Blockchain facts you may not know

Significantly, as a tech-oriented person, you already know what a blockchain is. Yet, some of you may not know about it exactly.

The three pillars of a distributed system

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] In a previous article, I pointed out that distributed systems are the foundation of the bitcoin/block chain technology. It is now common knowledge, despite many current debates for and against this technology that the world is at a verge of a major breakthrough in technological advancement. For example, think for a […]

Levelling of digital currencies to all users worldwide

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] This might sound surprising, but the fact is there digital currency is amazing and very nice to use, whether you use it for a private a public reason. It remains very outstanding as a source of digital currency. The interesting fact about this type of currency in particularly the […]

Crypto wallet choice – your responsibility

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] In our use of fiat currency like the dollar and many other currencies, we use physical wallets made of leather or other materials to carry our money around. We may not be faced with hard decisions to make when purchasing these wallets. We are in control and we decide when to […]

The invention of Bitcoin & Worldwide acceptance

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] With B-Money, HashCash and DigiCash having laid the foundation as bitcoin Predecessors, Bitcoin was set to do what no other cryptocurrency before it had ventured to do; create an anonymous, trustless, decentralized currency. Instead of putting trust in any human or human organization, the bitcoin protocol was set to attempt putting […]

Blockchain Applications: A Hoax Or What?

Unquestionably, Blockchain is a relatively new technology that was used and designed for the cryptocurrency world. Yet, due to its data-processing capability and record-keeping ability, it’s now adopted by various fields.

Cryptocurrency industry – A personal experience

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Editor note from Finmail: The title is slightly updated to reflect the content. I woke up to the world of cryptocurrency in 2016, at the time when Bitcoins were gaining momentum and its market value was increasing. Out of sheer curiosity, I jumped into the band wagon, with no clue to […]