10 Blockchain facts you may not know

Significantly, as a tech-oriented person, you already know what a blockchain is. Yet, some of you may not know about it exactly.

What is Zcash (ZEC) – all you need to know

You may already know about the terms such as proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake (PoS) in relation to bitcoins, Ethereum and EOS cryptocurrency. Each cryptocurrency has a set of unique protocols that determine its operations. What though is Zero-Knowledge-Proof?

Launching domestic national digital currency versus using the established Bitcoin

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Launching and establishing a home based national digital currency or cryptocurrency is actually a very handsome and good idea. It is the best initiative any country can take upon at the moment with the current economic crisis and various regulations actually happening at the moment. Digital transactions took a […]

The Past and Btc

I see BTC moving down the trend of the past. The stress of understanding and managing is very complex and the fact that its risk are high too make it very frightful to venture in.

Are smart contracts in their current form the ultimate?

The term “smart” in smart contracts may well excite many readers to think they are the ultimate solutions. Perhaps you may think of smartphones and what they are capable of doing. You use smartphones to surf the net, send emails, watch movies, conduct zoom meetings, transact, take pictures and videos, learn, teach, and many other everyday conveniences. While that is smart indeed, does the same apply to blockchain’s smart contracts in their current form?

Libra: Facebook’s currency (part 1)

Facebook has launched a cryptocurrency library that allows users to make international purchases or payments on Messenger and other group platforms from 2020.

Does blockchain immutability guarantee accuracy?

The greatest benefits blockchain has introduced into database systems is immutability. While data can be added and “updated”, it cannot be deleted or edited. However, does it guarantee the accuracy of the data?

The rise of digital currencies in Brazil

The BCB known as Brazilian Central Bank under the named PIX hopes and desires that the Brazilian project consisting of creating a new payment service is going to facilitate and make payments easy.

Is bitcoin really decentralized?

The whole point of developing cryptocurrencies has been taking control back to the people, the users. Bitcoin and indeed all cryptocurrencies have been developed to empower ordinary users with complete control and easy access to their assets, in this case, money. Thus, the central hold and control of huge financial firms on people’s money have been threatened.

Digital currencies payments and market infrastructures

Many banks often function in a typical manner of retailing payments as a part of their role in maintaining the stability and effectiveness of financial systems and keeping the confidence in the used currencies. With the emergence of the new form of currencies, commonly known as digital currencies, it is being examined by different committees and organizations and as such, it has had an immediate and direct impact on payments and market infrastructures.