Bloackchain adaption in Africa

by Marko Judia

Africa is a continent with more than 50 countries. Many of it’s countries are in developing and underdevelopment category. Throughout the decades passed Africa has been facing difficulties on implementing new technology, a factor that is seen in most of the countries with low level of education. Although it’s inhabitants are of good knowledge about internet and technology, Africa still has many adults who know nothing about technology, hence blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology was designed to bring easy with online monetary system, and introduced online coins, bitcoin being the most famous one. This system integrate users in such a way that online money is owned publicly but only each owner identified by specific intents is granted to access his or her own coins.

Among the asked question was “will bloackchain has positive influence and probably acceptance in Africa?”, the answer was shortly clear, it depends. Africa has adopted modes of transactions from various technologies, trying each and hold that seemed to work fine, that is the concept, but with bloackchain it still depends. Once everything becomes clearly implemented then from there we can give a feedback with both either.

Betting and Trading platforms’ effect

There are some institution that has branched far to Africa and they try to give an implement with bloackchain system, among them are betting and trading platforms. There are some trading platforms that allow users to trade online coins like bitcoins, etherium, USDT and so on, through the experience Africa can join the multitudes of blockchain users all over the world.

Online purchases

Buying products from store was genuinely occupied by banking systems, follows with paypal system and other methods, but as long as the earth rotates, bitcons has enter the purchase game with easy of use. Talking about opening a bank account, the process may have your lunch to dinner time with a bit of hours waiting for your account to be verified, but thanks to blockchain, because opening online wallet may work as far as with 3 minutes (under low internet connections) or seconds (under high internet connection), buying your stuffs and give a wait for delivery customers.

Part time mining

Again blockchain introduces the part time mining of coins right while doing other jobs, for example chrome browser has a feature that let’s you mine coins while browsing, this and other software brings a great advantage to people who spend a lot of time while browsing yet making zero (0) cents.

Africa has implemented bloackchain to some extent, but still we can’t conclude about our question about whether the system is well adopted or fairly not.

Blockchain is still facing challenges in Africa, however the system is greatly used in other parts of the world especially those with higher technology level. It has been implemented as far as other online monetary systems like banking, used widely in various platforms like trading, provide job opportunities to many of country citizens, creating wealth to miners e.t.c.

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