日志 Verdzekov Bernard

Bitcoin for the change

BTC will change the world. I believe so. So many people will benefit from it nationwide when they all accept to use it as well. We will both cry and be happy at same time.

How crypto boomed in times of corona virus

Most people accept crypto currency during this Covid19 epidemic. do you want to know why? Because you could make money and at same stay save from the virus, just ordering from delivery companies with amazon inclusive, thus making the Man more money.

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Mining

The world with bitcoin today, is not like before. How bitcoin is large today and known by so many, Is not as before. The courage people have to deal with bitcoin is different as before.

Flaws of Blockchain

When we look at present currency and how it is being manage, the introduction of bitcoin and other currencies will just alter that chain of the normal currency and it is going to be more difficult to price goods or allocated goods with prices.