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Finmail AskGPT
7. Forgot password: How to reset
Imeundwa Juu
Ilisasishwa Mwisho
kwabarua pepe ya mwisho
Chapisha < Mada Zote
If you forgot your payment password, you can reset it by the steps below:
1. In the Payment/Settings page, click the “reset” link right to “Current Finmail Password”.
2. When the password is successfully reset, a message box will appear telling you to check your backup mailbox. An email with a temporary payment password will be sent to your backup mailbox.
3. Check the email in your backup mailbox to get the temporary payment password
4. In the Payment/Settings page, fill the temporary password into the “Current Finmail Password” field. Then change password with reference to Tutorial: 6-Change Password and Settings
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